Aqui esta el archivo que nos mando sorry por ponerlo aqui pero el correo no lo quiere mandar, tal vez sea por el tamaño, pero bueno, ahi me avisan cuando lo hayan bajado todos.


This is the mp3 and in this probablly in a couple of hours (coz the site) will be the video

New logo

So there you have it, the complete make up of the site, for those who didnt see the old site, it was base up on a template =S, so enjoy the new theme, and the header logo

My folks

This are my folks, they are really great, i love them very much, and here's a photo of them running together the marathon just a few weeks ago:

So here's the deal

Am i dunno which is the deal, i guess i'll be posting ramdom things in this site, so enjoy, and if not screw u